Make no mistake about it; you’re about to enter a warzone. Stayed tuned for these Tuesday morning pick-me-ups with real ways to serve the people around you. Here’s your daily dose of Leadership B12 to start off your day with a server’s mindset.
Painting the Picture
One of the greatest aspects of a servant leader is that they can cast a vision for their crew. Keep the bigger picture clear for your crew members who are usually...
Praise Your Team Publicly
Let's look at this idea of public praise. When a team member goes above and beyond, find a public way to praise them. Being recognized for what you've done well...
Treat Your Crew
Foster dives in to tell us just how you can treat your crew. Foster even has a list of his crew members and their favorite Starbucks drinks! Give your team random boosts and...
Crew Stories
Delve into your crew's personal stories to find out what gets them going for the day. Finding out these passions and being engaged in what makes them...
Patrick Lencioni
A quote from one of our favorite authors, Patrick Lencioni, on leading well.
Karen Millsap
Karen MIllsap reminds us that exercising empathy at work not only leads to a more successful business, but sustains a culture of kindness that real...
Be A Net
n leadership, you have a stockpile of respect and trust from your own leaders. As you work with your crew, encourage your team to step out, step up, and try new things. If they fail...
Let Them Steer
Enable your team to grow by giving them an opportunity to share their ideas and thoughts on a project or shift. Let them take ownership of how your task will run...
Letters of Encouragement
Write letters of encouragement to your team to inspire and promote a positive work environment.