Make no mistake about it; you’re about to enter a warzone. Stayed tuned for these Tuesday morning pick-me-ups with real ways to serve the people around you. Here’s your daily dose of Leadership B12 to start off your day with a server’s mindset.

Thank Your Team Publicly

There’s tremendous power in recognizing an individual in front of others. Take a few minutes out of your day to recognize something wonderful by publicly by praising...

Everyone Loves a Gift Card

Who doesn’t want their daily Starbucks run for free? As a business owner, purchase a few gift cards before you start the day and empower your team to give this gift to someone...


Personalize your deep thanking by tailoring your encouragement to the person who’s receiving it. How much more impact could your words have just by deeply...

The Theory of Dimes

Don’t end your day without thanking and encouraging your team at least ten times. How to keep track? Dimes.