Jack Kennington
Job Title: Former Chick-fil-A Operator, current Hospice Grief Counselor
Their Podcast: Link to podcast on this website
Jack is married with 3 children and 3 bonus children, soon to be a Grandfather. He was Born and raised in Gadsden, Alabama. He has been a Devoted Grief Support Specialist and Chaplain for 11 years. Currently, he works as a Grief Support Coordinator for over 8 years at Compassus Hospice and Palliative Care, in Tullahoma, Tennessee. Jack describes himself as a compassionate and empathetic ministry professional with proven success as a Grief Counselor, Hospice Chaplain, and Associate Pastor. Over the years, he has developed excellent interpersonal and communication skills. He has had experience counseling terminally ill patients and families concerning their spiritual, emotional, and personal needs. Jack has an outstanding track record as a business Owner and leader of the national branded Restaurant, Chick-fil-A where he worked for 20 years, 13 of which as an Operator. He helped train four people in the company whom are now operating their own high volume multi-million dollar sales volumes and profitable restaurants.