About Paper for Water
Have you ever felt too young or too old to make a difference in this world? Have you ever felt too poor or too busy to have an impact?
In 2011, when they were 5 and 8 years old, Katherine and Isabella learned that girls like them in developing countries didn’t get to go to school. Why? Because they hauled water all day.
After learning that 4 children a minute die because of unclean water, Katherine and Isabelle decided to do something about it. They started with a small goal: to raise $500 towards a $9,200 deep water well in Ethiopia. Inspired and motivated, the girls crafted origami ornaments and exchanged them for donations. Together they raised over $10,000 for their first well, and the rest? Well, it’s history!
Over 8 years, their organization, Paper For Water raised over $1.7M, funded over 200 water projects in 20 countries, and fundamentally changed the lives of over 65,000 people around the world, even right here in the United States on the Smith Lake Navajo Reservation.
If Isabelle and Katherine can create this kind of change, so can you. To find out more about Paper For Water, go to www.paperforwater.org, click the link below to donate, or subscribe to their YouTube Channel.