About The Episode
Rocky Destefano takes a trip to Kenya with The 410 Bridge. The 410 Bridge helps communities foster entrepreneurial skills to create city and spiritual growth. Whether through providing free business classes or educating people on the best ways to sustainably farm, 410 gives underdeveloped communities hope for a brighter future. Thus, join 410 leader, Micah Mwati, as he talks how important it is to serve his community members through the love of Jesus Christ. Here Micah stresses the value of 410’s program, Business Startup Tactics. Learn how this program un-taps future business owner’s potentials and helps them fill the gaps and needs in their growing community.
About The Guest
Micah Mwati
Micah Mwati serves The 410 Bridge as their Kahuria, Kenya representative.
Today, Mwati has a loving wife and two children as he serves and leads the people of Kahuria. Mwati feels passionate about teaching communities to strategically plan for their future in the form of organic, sustainable farming. He knows how important it is to equip businesses with enterprising skills. A Manhouse Agricultural Center graduate in organic farming, Mwati’s mission is help people realize how to obtain food security and to develop a healthy spiritual life.