Listen for Non-Verbal Cues

Lead with emotional intelligence by paying attention to the tone of a co-worker’s voice. Most of the time, the people with whom you communicate aren’t saying everything that’s on their mind. If you adapt...

Help Carry a Burden like Mr. Rogers

Remember, we’re not meant to go through life alone. Just asking a co-worker how their day is going could radically improve their mood and show that you care. In the words of Fred Rogers, “In times of stress...

Create Connections

Creating connections with your team and guests, even just for a moment, can establish positive rapport and promote long term relationships. Compliment a co-worker’s earrings or even ask about...

Brag Boards

Find a spot in your business to celebrate your team’s successes. Whether work-related or otherwise, your team will love spotting a brochure from their latest...

It’s the Little Things

Know your team individually; if Andy’s coffee of choice is a “double shot espresso steamed low fat milk splash of caramel” kind of drink, set aside a time to surprise him...

Who Gets the Credit?

Are you setting up your team for success, or are you paving a way for your own glorification? Join Larry in a quick quote from former president Ronald Reagan that reminds us...

The Power of Refrigerator Praise

Remember how satisfying it was when Mom put your report card with straight A’s on the refrigerator for all to see? Adopt this same mentality at work; when someone gets a...

Thank Your Team Publicly

There’s tremendous power in recognizing an individual in front of others. Take a few minutes out of your day to recognize something wonderful by publicly by praising...

Everyone Loves a Gift Card

Who doesn’t want their daily Starbucks run for free? As a business owner, purchase a few gift cards before you start the day and empower your team to give this gift to someone...


Personalize your deep thanking by tailoring your encouragement to the person who’s receiving it. How much more impact could your words have just by deeply...