A Server's Moment: Dee Ann Turner

Dee Ann Turner lets us in on her secret to being kind versus nice to her team. Here, Turner reveals how important it is to be honest with others..

Toxic Bosses

What drives people away from their jobs? 41 percent of American workers say they've been psychologically harassed on the job due to a toxic...

Cover Your Crew

How can you step in, cover your crew, and enable your team to take a breathe in the midst of a stressful work environment? As you let your team take an unforeseen moment of...

Dan Wheeler

Instead of retiring, use your resources to reach the generations you want to reach, teach the people you want to teach, and impact change on our world's future...

How to Create a Culture That Grows Servant Leaders

You know the fundamentals of servant leadership; so what? Now, let's talk about how to grow leaders in your organization who want to serve others and their team. If you're not sure how to bring your leaders from good to great...

Pay For Your Stressed Employee's Day Off

Tomorrow, go into work with an employee in mind who struggles with work-life balance. This employee could struggle with taking time to care for a sick child or parent, or they could...

A Look Back: Rocky on His Favorite Journey Moments

"Work satisfaction can either lead to a healthier or unhealthier you." Join us in this throwback episode to take a look back on what motivated Rocky...

How Your Positive Company Culture Actually Affects the Bottom Line

Join Rocky and Larry in this edition of A Server's Journey to talk actual bottom line statistics; are you profiting from your positive company culture? With studies from the American Psychological Association and the Gallup Organization...

Serving in Kenya: Micah Mwati on Giving Hope to the Hopeless

Rocky Destefano takes a trip to Kenya with The 410 Bridge, an organization that helps communities foster entrepreneurial skills to create city and spiritual growth. Whether that’s through providing free business classes, teaching reading and writing skills, or educating...

Fearless Faith (Part 2): Dan Wheeler on His Miraculous Story

Join us for Part 2 of Dan Wheeler's journey through one of his life's most trying times. The QVC television host talks...