Grab your notepad; Rocky starts a leadership journey week to week with esteemed authors like Patrick Lencioni, Mark Miller, and more. Learn how Rocky, local community influencers, and top leaders serve their teams in some of the best organizations around the country.

Halloween Special: The Scary Side Of Leadership
In honor of Halloween, this week's episode is all about "The Scary Side of Leadership". Tune in as some unfamiliar voices (including a mad scientist) talk about some of the fears associated with becoming a leader.

Adapting to Learning Differences with The Bedford School
In this episode we talk with Allison Day and Jeff James, key members of The Bedford School. The mission of The Bedford School is to maximize the potential of students with learning differences and develop foundations for success. We discuss how they have adapted their teaching methods in order to help students learn in different ways.

How to Develop Team Members Into Servant Leaders
In this episode, we invite Jack Kennington and Andrew Barnes, Rocky's colleagues, to talk about their experience with servant leadership. Jack and Andrew were present during Rocky's formative years in leadership....

Talent, Culture, Character and Chemistry with Dee Ann Turner
In this episode we've invited Dee Ann Turner, one of our favorite guests, back on the show for the one year anniversary of her book: Bet On Talent. We discuss the evolving culture of Chick-fil-A as a corporation and the importance of culture in any organization. Dee Ann touches on the difference between simply hiring people and hiring talent....

The Journey to Leadership with Victor Sanchez
In this episode Rocky talks with one of his favorite Chick-fil-A Consultants, Victor Sanchez. Victor was born and raised in Puerto Rico. He has a Bachelors degree in Purchasing Management and Masters in Marketing. Victor has worked for The Coca-Cola Company for almost 21 years in multiple roles within Supply Chain and Marketing. He is now going into his 6th year as a Business Consultant at the Chick-fil-A corporate office...

Get Your Ship Together with Captain Mike Abrashoff
In this two part episode we talk with Captain Michael Abrashoff on how he did the unthinkable and turned his ship around. As the new Commander of the USS Benfold, the challenges he faced were staggering, with low morale and the highest turnover rate in the Navy...

How to Cultivate Leaders Instead of Followers
In this three part episode series, Rocky takes a trip down memory lane with four of his former employees, all of whom have gone on to serve as leaders within the Chick-fil-A Corporation...

The 10 Commandments of Leadership
In this two part episode series, "The 10 Commandments of Leadership", host Rocky Destefano is accompanied by a new addition to the team: Gabby Seeley...

Triumphs and Tribulations with Joa Macnalie
Joa Macnalie talks about her journey of becoming the leader she is today. She tells the story of how she overcame challenges, sometimes through sheer will power and other times with the guidance of influential leaders in her life...

Coaching, Football and Business With Russ Sloan
In this episode Russ Sloan, talks with us about his experience as a coach and leader over the years. Russ has served in a myriad of leadership positions through out various industries. Listen as he talks about the variables between them all...

Servant Leadership with Bob Ehmann
In this episode we talk with Bob Ehmann, retired missionary, on how to be a servant leader. Rocky and Bob discuss his life of serving through missions, how he met his wife of 55 years and his experience being a servant leader...

Jeff Rogers Creating A Thriving Family Legacy
Jeff Rogers talks about his businesses, Stewardship Advisory Group and Stewardship Legacy Coaching. His book, Creating a Thriving Family Legacy, touches on the outpour of Roger’s passion...